the physical embodiment of satan, normie, fortnite player.
guy #1: hey have you seen that dude still playing fortnite!
guy #2: maybe a 7 year old
guy #1: hm.
by LYNQBUTGAY December 14, 2018
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An annoying wee shit who watches Minecraft videos and loves JayStation and Morgz
You’re acting like such a 7 year old. Grow up.
by Lon McDean December 23, 2022
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7 year old gamers are typically into Minecraft and use a slurred voice, they own "secret" YouTube channels (with around three subs) and have $20 handheld cameras over their broken i-pads.
They sometimes own their own singing channels (don't worry it's worse than their "lets-plays" and grammar combined)
7 year old gamers have 3 subs
by Pengueleon July 24, 2016
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The feeling of nostalgia and sadness when you see your friend was online 7 years ago. Sometimes you wonder what happened on that day they went offline. Did they die? Did they lose their console and got a new one but forgot you? Did they just stop playing games? Sometimes we may never know. But all we can hope is that they are okay and living well.
Friend: Oh yeah I gotta go to bed now, I'll play with you again tomorrow.
Me: Ok gn dude I gotta finish homework so yeah
*7 years later, finds old console that I used to play on*
*Plugs console in*
*Checks friends list to see if your friend still plays*

Last online 7 years ago
by I'll see you in 2031 November 19, 2020
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A feeling all gamers have when their freind never comes back online after a match of cod or minecraft
(Xavier) hey dude i got to go lets finish this house tomorrow

(Alex) cya
Last Online 7 Years Ago
by LightSource October 5, 2020
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the feeling when you go on your old xbox 360 or ps3 and see your childhood friend and feel sad or nostalgic
(Xavier) Hey can we finish this tomorrow I got to go to bed.
(Eric) Bye see you tomorrow.
Last Online 7 Years ago
by LightSource October 5, 2020
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