A mentally challenged person. Likely comes from their facial appearances.
He's a real winky.
by Neil Jamieson April 27, 2004
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a small, short, hairy wang like structure with many cillia, or tenticle like obtrusions.
my wang
by Apu Shaheem April 13, 2003
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n. a person who is punched in the face and proceed to bitch out and not fight back

v. To leave your friend to get beat on: to ditch your friend right before he is punched
Thats really embarrassing, you looked like a Winkie back there.

Dude, nick just winkied into Heidies pies parking lot while i was unloaded on in front of about 30 people.
by FUSSERRO February 10, 2009
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Slang for a vagina or penis duh!
That is the bigest winky I've ever seen!
by The Real Gansta May 4, 2003
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A winkie is a vagina, not a penis. In this vernacular, a penis (regardless of size, or lack thereof) is a dinkie.

Winkie and Dinkie usually play well together.

Both terms are archaic.
"What a winkie!!" -- from an unknown porno flick, referring to the young lady's vagina.
by vancelxix January 14, 2005
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