Small deformed black person testicles that have hair growing only on the left nuts side.
"Mmmmm, that boy is sexy."Girl#1 said "don't do it girl that boy got wibblies!" Girl#2 said.
by PeterL727 May 11, 2010
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1) An almost shakey movment, like a jiggle only with more random directions.

2)The www in a URL of a website.

3) A feeling in the pit of your stomach, caused by excitement or mushrooms.
1) Man, look at the JELL-O wibble!

2) The website would be pronounced
wibble dot urban dictionary dot com.

3) AWWW MAN! I'm gettin' all wibbley!
by Sunny Steelz November 7, 2006
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watching Babmi's mother die made me wibble
by Leigh October 6, 2003
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cat, feline domesticus, derived from a combination of the words 'wittle kittle'

can also be used as 'wiblet', a shortened form
"Look at that cute wibble, I want to squeeze it."

"I didn't know you had two wibbles!"

"That stupid wiblet got hair on my black sweater"
by EO January 26, 2005
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1. Verb: To wiggle and wobble at the same time.
2. Noun: Something that wiggles and wobbles.
Dude, that refrigerator handle has a bad wibble.
by Andrew February 15, 2004
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What to say when you've spent face time with nephews or nieces when you really should have been at the gig
Saturday? I spent all day with the wibbles.
by brit boy April 8, 2004
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A serpentine hand movement indicating a sine wave in the air.
In a car: "Hey, quit wibbling your hand! I've got to roll the window up!"
by KelliHolland June 2, 2005
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