A person whom has not been involved in sexual intercourse, either oral, vaginal or anal. Can be male or female.
I've never had sex, thus I'm a virgin.
by Proud to be a Christian June 15, 2005
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a girl or guy who has not had sex yet
by claire0079 April 16, 2006
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1) In North Carolina, any girl who can outrun her brothers. 2) In Alabama, an extinct species thought to have lived until the mid-19th century.
Look, there's Becky Poteat, North Carolina's high school record holder in the women's high hurdles. She's the only virgin in the county.
by Jeff David October 5, 2005
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1. A person who has not yet engaged in sex because they are waiting for true love.
2. A person who has not yet engaged in sex because they are so socially crippled that whenever they are around the opposite sex they begin to hiss and fart uncontrollably.
3. A person who has not yet engaged in sex because they are too young.
4. A person who has not yet engaged in sex because they are waiting for marriage.
1. I am a virgin because I'm waiting for my true love before I have sex! I also believe in unicorns.
2. I am NOT a virgin! Does cyber-sex count?
3. Dude, I know you like virgins, but checking out the pre-schoolers is both creepy and illegal.
4. I'm a virgin because God doesn't want me to have sex yet. He also wants you to give me five bucks.
by SpinGirl October 2, 2005
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Someone who doesn't give a fuck.

Thought to be an endangered species, with fewer and fewer of them in high school and even middle school with each passing set of students.
"Thomas Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of the Declaration of Independence."

"I remember a girl named Virginia. We called her 'Virgin', for short, but not for long."

"Virgin + Mother = Virgin Mother = Oxymoron."
by Lorelili January 16, 2006
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Something that disappeared from America long ago.
Tessa: I lost my virginity yesterday!
Bob: Aren't you thirteen?
Tess: Going on fourteen!
Bob: Slut.
by ThisAsianIsAngry November 4, 2010
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