to fuck with
"tweak with my squad and we'll catch a body"
by just sumbody December 5, 2014
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1) to be stimulated by consuming high amounts of caffeine or sugar.
2) to use amphetamine or methamphetamine.
i drank 3 monster drinks and ate a few candy bars at the skatepark and i was seriously tweakin'

a grip of anphetamine pills or a couple of lines of meth can cause you to tweaki all night.
by skaterjack October 5, 2006
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1. to go beyond extension, or stretching. as in the truth, a snowboard grab, or a body part.

2. to freak out while you're on drugs. (Usually used in correlation with meth users).
Hey, so you kind of tweaked the story a bit, I don't appreciate that.

Did you see him tweak that sick-ass stale fish?

Dude, I can't skate today-- I tweaked my ankle yesterday falling down 3 flights of stairs.

That Guy is fucking tweaking out. Someone shoot him with a super soaker!
by rustyn! September 27, 2008
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Bradley was tweaking after he took crack
by Bradley Fox February 1, 2018
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Dude, all I said was "hi" and he started tweakin'! What's his deal?
by Anonymous April 19, 2003
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1. Customise or modify (something) to suit a particular individual or task
2. Improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it

synonyms: adjustment, modification, alteration, change, adapt, customise
I am going to tweak the design a little more on photoshop
by eslupmaet June 16, 2014
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To space out intensely while under the influence of some sort of psychotropic drug.
Guy 1: *spacing out, drooling*
Guy 2: what's wrong with you?
Guy 1: huh?
Guy 2: Dude you're tweaking.
by Fishmanist January 9, 2010
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