a mexican,a black person and a white person.mixed
cracker, hershey chocolate, marshmallow, another cracker
Juandante is a fuckin smore!
by Eyebrows January 18, 2006
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a three way with a white person, a black person and a mexican person. Gender doesnt matter.
I was watchin this porno and these three girls were makin a smore.
by Devante January 25, 2008
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Britny: "What grade is that guy in? Hes gorgeous!"
Taylor: "Umm, maybe a fish.. maybe a smore. Definatly not a senior. But yea, he is WAY gorgeous though!"
by Britny November 24, 2005
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A smore is a combination of the words Slut, Smut and Whore for those people who would rather not cuss, or want to be discrete about it.
Girl One: Woah, did she just sleep with Tom too?

Girl Two: Yeah, she's a total smore.
by Lucy and Luna Mar~ February 18, 2014
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cute, sprightly girl. very beloved.
Aww, what a smore!
by anon April 25, 2004
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