A girl who has been with EVERYONE, in ditto in Pokemon.
Guy 1: Hey bro last night I was with Jean
Guy 2: Wow Jean is a total Ditto
by TheTacoBandit November 6, 2014
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Ditto-The creater of all things.
ditto is the most powerful being on the planet only compareable to jasons balls. Even the amazing kaids looks at dittos path and falls short to his power.
Wherever a ditto may be found a repetitive techno beat will follow according to the distance of the pink ruler.
The only way to appease the master, is by commiting to joining him in the ditto dance. those who do not, will surely die.
"Omg dude, you should of been here earlier, a ditto came by and crossed path with KAIDS!"


"It was amazing! ditto ate kaids, and almost killed him, luckily though kaids is immortal."
by sfl22 March 9, 2009
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HUNAN MEME FOR YOUR ACID EYES. loves to do the Matty Healy
by xandorb September 14, 2020
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A person who vapidly, unthinkingly yet wholeheartedly repeats, shares and takes to heart phrases and ideas he/she hears from his perceived leader. Most often (OK, damned near exclusively) applied to followers of right-wing media magnates like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage Weiner, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, et al. A ditto monkey is often a raging dullard who can't normally put two syllables together without a paper clip, yet when the topic of their idol's specialty comes up (usually politics), his eyes glaze over and he eloquently spews words you know he couldn't otherwise possibly understand.
"Oh great... E-mail from Patrick. Hideous spelling, every fourth word in ALL CAPS, punctuation looks like a typewriter threw up, and he's blaming the weather on the Clintons. What a flippin' ditto monkey!"
by The Evil Steve July 28, 2005
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Any person who loves the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Ditto heads totally agree with Rush's opinions and stand behind him without question. The word ditto was first used by a caller on his show who agreed with the accolades given Rush by a previous caller. The praise Rush was given by callers was becoming too long winded and Rush promoted the use of ditto by his callers as a means to be brief and to show their approval at the same time.
I really love Rush Limbaugh so I guess you could call me a (ditto head).
by A.B. Reid September 30, 2005
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1.) An eerie phenomenon in which devices such as gaming consoles, computers, and other electronic devices glitch and/or stop working briefly, periodically, or permanently due to no obvious causes, such as a virus. Patterns may emerge from these happenings as well as unexplained events that happen outside of the device or devices.

2.) A term used to describe sudden, out of the ordinary events that happens mostly with electronic devices such as computers and video game consoles. Such events may even happen to other objects such as brooms, bowls, etc. These events range from getting moved, knocked over, or glitched (Electronic coded devices). Patterns often emerge from such events.
Dylan: My computer opened Word with random text typed into 7 paragraphs about some flu outbreak.

Brennan: Dude, the first letter of the first word in each paragraph spells out I A M D E A D.

Dylan: I blame the White Ditto.
by Ton Ereh Saw Nannerb Ton November 20, 2011
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The original makers of the emoji dashboard wanted to have their emoji's have meanings,however, that didn't catch popularity. One of the most notable emoji's was the ditto pig. Seen here (🐷) this lovable little emoji means exactly what it sounds like and is the emoji way of saying ditto
Boy: I love you
Girl: 🐷 (ditto pig)
by Peopleperson123 March 16, 2015
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