Another words for a mans testicles
Drew: I don't think you can handle my meaty clackers

Haley: You'd be surprised what I can handle
by Scoeboy January 21, 2016
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Anal Clacker - Is when your Girl friend grabs your testicles and squeezes as your explode in her anus like a Claymore.

Anal Clacker - A guy who is very anal about everything and sets people off around him like a trigger.
Anal Clacker - "I gave my Girlfriend the Anal Clacker last night, it left a massive mess.."

Anal Clacker - "That guy is a real Anal clacker causing trouble like that".
by Popularone666 November 21, 2010
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A sexual move in which one slaps the butt-cheeks of another individual while sticking their dick/dildo/etc. into spank person's asshole. While this is happening, another person is licking the sodomized ass-crack.
Justin and Daniel like to give each ham-clackers with their dog licking each others assholes.
by clacker May 5, 2005
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A clacker is a piece of crap covered in hair/fluff, usually found on carpets.
Chris: Do me a favour, get rid of that bit of fluff on the carpet.
Andy: Ewwww, that's no bit of fluff, it's a clacker...
by Garrold September 15, 2004
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I already looked in the couch and I still can't find the click clacker.
by 666lbSquid November 26, 2010
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Act of female genitalia making a distinct clacking noise while running due to over use of vaginal cavity.
Clam clacker
As that woman of loose virtue ran, I could hear her clam a clacking.

Release the clackin!
by Shoein machine sheen March 7, 2017
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When your balls have reached an extreme size and shape,making a clacking sound like two plastic balls touching.
"Hey Jon, look at my meaty clackers!"
by YOURE MOOM February 2, 2016
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