The term used to ask a girl over at 3:00 am after you get drunk for the sole purpose of "hanging out"
Hey Lisa... want to sleep over at 3:00 am, it is not a booty call
by Bashoyak February 1, 2009
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When somebody gives you a ring in the early morning hours so they can get they fuck on.
If someone is callin ya house 4 in the morning, it's likely that's a booty call.
by DarkNova January 7, 2002
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the act of inserting a cellular device into your anus and putting it on vibrate, then calling it.
I gave myself a booty call earlier, now my phone's poopy.
by Sam Dontworryaboutit January 30, 2011
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A take on the common phrase "Duty calls".
This phrase is to be said when one is about to bail on their current activity with present company because they have received a "Call of booty".
Caitlin where are you going we just got into the club?

Sorry guys! BOOTY CALLS!
by erised September 18, 2011
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A call made when you need a bit of pleasure if you're bored.
Diego: (dials phone)
Jordan: Hello?
Diego: Hey Jordan, wanna come over for some fun?
Jordan: Aw, Dieg! You ain't booty calling are ya?
Diego: I'm bored..
Jordan: Aright, I'll be right over.
Diego: Awesome :D
Jordan: Well that was fun. See ya later, Dieg.
Diego: Bye, Jo. You're an awesomee fuck buddy.
Jordan: Whatever, boyfriiend.
by IfYaWikiWilli... May 22, 2011
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A relationship in which one or both parties are seeking a no strings attached arrangement of physical affection. Often sexual in nature.

Said arrangement ceases to exist after mutual purchases for the living space are made or mail from one party is received at the other parties abode (even if this change in USPS delivery is incited due to crackhead room mates stealing packages).
Mikhael and Guinevere would often meet for a booty call in the dark of night for a quick release, until Mikhael started receiving mail at Guinevere's and moved his favorite recliner into the den.
by JahSeeuS December 6, 2022
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"noun" Some slut who likes to Fuck, where as you can go out trying to find someone you may care about knowing you can always call this girl later.
by James King January 26, 2003
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