Finding out as much information on a person without their knowledge using mutual friends or social media.
"I met this really nice girl in class the other day. I think its time to begin Batmaning"
by MikeKeaton August 23, 2012
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Quite probably the best superhero known to man. After a tragic childhood accident, Bruce Wayne devoted his mind to crime-fighting. Although many know him for his fortune and gadgets, Batman's main strengths are is astounding intelligence and willpower. It is generally agreed upon by his fans that if you tell him who his opponent will be a week ahead of time, he will always win.
Batman would compete in the Olympics, but he has better things to do than win enough gold to destabilize an economy.
by Batfan December 19, 2010
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A furry that beats up other furrys and insane people
“Wow Batman just knocked the fuck out of that furry” “that was the penguin dumbass” “A PENGUIN IS AN ANIMAL”
by Theguy you know from school April 20, 2021
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Hanging upside down from something by the strength of your feet and ankles
Retard: "I'm going to take a pic of me planking!"

Bad ass: "Planking is for pussies, I'm batmanning"
by mrbigmclargehuge August 29, 2011
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When someone is performing fellatio on you and you thrust a little too deep, thus damaging their vocal cords and causing them to speak in the characteristically raspy voice of Christian Bale's Batman.
"Wtf is wrong with your girlfriend's voice?"
"I got a little too excited head-fucking her last night and gave her a Batman."
by shadya_pervytra April 18, 2015
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While having sex doggy style, you have to subtly grab the drapes and tie them around your neck to make a mantle (works best with dark or black drapes). When its done you now start to hummm the batman song. From that you continue until your partner notice you are humuming and when (s)he ask what you are doing you start signing out loud, Batman, Batman.

High chance of self cock-block do at your own risk
guy 1 : Man, i cock blocked myself

guy 2 : How?

guy 1 : I did Sherly a batman, you should have seen her face, i couldn't stop laughing
by bate man July 21, 2010
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The ultimate superhero, one that manipulates his enemies' fear and uses stealth and intimidation and intellect to succeed, and does not need butthole Superman powers to survive.
A few reasons why Batman is better than Superman:

- Does not need dorky glasses to conceal his identity
- Does not need to struggle with women (i.e. Lois Lane) to gain their affections
- Heir to a powerful conglomerate
- Raised in a mediocre city called Gotham and not by corny farm folk in Smallville
by Balfdor July 8, 2006
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