A nickname for marijuana

Was named after a good friend who was your typical, squinty eyed, slow talking stoner with a cannabis card. It's very useful as a code name, seeing as it can easily be mistaken for the name of a friend if parents/teachers/higher forms of authority are present.

The phrase "going to tanner's house" is also useful when talking about going out to get stoned.
"Dude we got some bomb ass tanner!"

"I got so tannered last night, I can't remember a thing"

"Hey man, wanna go over to tanner's house?"
by omgpseudonym July 24, 2009
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Super strong sexy man. Use to be fat but grinded to get big.Since getting big he likes to bully dyslexic lax players that drive fords even tho he also drives one.He is very sexy man!He is sometimes honest but he is a lyin Leo. Somewhat dumb when it comes to school but loves madden. His sister is a milf. Say the wrong thing and he might beat your fucking ass.
Zach: hey, pepperoni face:)
Tanner: Shut up! I’ll beat your fucking ass.
by Dogsitter101 May 15, 2019
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An very good looking Jewish kid. Tends to be extremely good with ladies and always leaves them wanting more, usually sexually.
I went over to Tanners house the other night to eat some latkes and bagels, but we ended up having sex instead
by Thatguybehindyou69 September 3, 2012
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White van owner. Pulls up to unsuspecting children (preferabley little boys)and lurers them into his van with FREE CANDY spray paintedf on his van. Then ties them to his basement wall with chains, sticking their butts in the air (the easier way for him to molest them). Lubs em' up and inserts his penis with no condom into thier buttholes.Hr then he cuts off there penis and puts it up his own butt.
Child walks down the street. Tanner sees the victim and he prepares to strike. The little boy sees the van that says FREE CANDY. he has heard of this devilish molester. He tries to run but cannot escape the tazer that tanner weilds.
"I have you now kid!!"
And you know the rest...
by jore lobez December 2, 2006
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Tanner is an amazing person. Tanner is an amazing athlete. He will always make your day 20x better. Tanner will always be there when you need. He is not very smart but is really good with relationships.
by 6386393730474 October 14, 2016
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to hit someone just barely and make them cry
dude if u dont shut up im gonna tanner you!!!
by jordayne kingslyy November 20, 2010
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Fucks like a boss and don't give a shit about what people say. Everyone go's crazy when they see him. Girls just want to fuck him 24/7. Tanner is the best at everything he dose (even fucking). If you have a Tanner never let him go.
Laila: see Tanner over their.

Niki: Ya I see him why?
Laila: HE'S my boyfriend and if you try to steal him I will kill you!!
by Love lies14 January 26, 2018
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