Someone that makes false claims that are never true. Extremely exaggerated tales in an attempt to appear "cool".
"Yo Chris, you're such a Tam. I don't want to hear your tam-shit."
by The One and Only Blood January 13, 2008
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To aknowledge when a companion has addressed you and is trying to start a conversation, but to not respond.
What’s on the this weekend Clifford?” - Phill
“Tam” - Clifford
by bigLuss December 31, 2019
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TAM when you realize what TAM means

TAM when the only thing you know on your test is the date and your name

TAM when you drop your cocaine in the snow

TAM when you’re waiting for the loser to finish at mario kart
by Joseph Mitteldorf January 11, 2012
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1. A particularly enticing rack of boobs. Typically will be perfectly rounded, plump, and size DD or bigger.

2. Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Sciences
Person 1: Yo, Missy has some nice Tams.
Person 2: Bro, I know, she is a total Tamela Jammerson. I wouldn't mind burying my face in them and dying from suffocation.
Nick: Dude, Shut up, you are nice-not.
by Chase Pelican September 30, 2007
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Tam- Is a Acronym for (Totally Awesome Man)
Rose that's TAM <3 :)
by Eggzorcist March 10, 2014
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a black man who tries to act white however never-the-less is black. He annoys other black men and women by blasting music at them.
For example:
a father to his son "Turn that music down, TAM!"
a stranger to the 'tam' "NAE HASSLE!"
by yerma September 19, 2004
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Being good at COD4, based on his/her ethnicity
Justin was so Tam last night when we played Serch and Distroy. He had 13 kills and no deaths
by JK Laz September 3, 2009
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