Stupid Dumb Bitches are those who go above and beyond the steryotypical actions of both stupid bitches, as well as dumb bitches. SDB's can be utilized in any manner and treated with little respect.
Devan is a stupid dumb bitch.
Go get me a sammich, you stupid dumb bitch.
I heard that girl amanda j. has herpes and doesnt wash her self... what a SDB.
by SlangCreatorXXX August 7, 2009
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Someone who is an idiot and either bitches or complains a lot or is himself a bitch. Ass is added the show that hes shit.
by Stupidbois November 29, 2018
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An animal that lacks the ability to construct social relationships because of it's toxic attitude. And because of this, the animal will eat any type of dog shit food until it develops excess body fat and becomes unable to move. You will commonly see a stupid fucking bitch yelling over stupid fucking shit it does not understand.

A stupid bitch commonly tries to control your life but lacks complete control over it's own life because there is no such thing as control. Only stupid people believe in control. Stupid fucking bitches try to control other people's lives.
The stupid fucking bitch is the final evolution of the stupid bitch. A stupid bitch has some merit to society which is what allows it to attract a mate, whereas a Stupid Fucking Bitch does not hold any merit whatsoever and is incapable of reproducing.
by TheAutisticHumanBeing February 19, 2019
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the way to describe grace. can be used when she eats too much cake and cant get up. Also when she makes u angry.
Grace u eat to much stop being a stupid fat bitch
by user585 April 21, 2020
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people that are Stupid Black Bitches that think they are everything
by January 8, 2020
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a woman by the name of Karen and is always into other people's business and they always try to say the Nigger. That's why she finna get jumped
by January 10, 2020
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Most of the kids who sit on this sit complaining about how much America sucks before they go play counter strike some more.
Get off your ass and computer you stupid fat bitch.
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