The condition of getting sick from eating the same food in the cafeteria all the time due to limited variety. This may occur frequently at universities that offer unlimited meal plans coupled with extremely limited food choices.
I've been eating nothing but pizza for a week because it's the only thing that tastes like real food here, but I think it's given me caf scurvy.
by Spynoirdancepunk September 17, 2009
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A diseased skank, ho, or slut
"Stay away from Becky, she is one scurvy cur."
by lil lethal June 27, 2007
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-when a pirate comes ashore after spending weeks or months at sea and finds a loving wench to share the night with
-can be confused with the word "disturbia" in rhianna's disturbia
"Jack Sparrow went to get some scurvy love on Antigua but all the wenches rejected him."

"Scurvy love-it's like the darkness is light..."
by scurvylover November 20, 2008
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The crappiest band on the planet. they played in assembly one day and I nearly died.
What? I can't hear the words, they're all fuzzy and staticky. And that noise...ahhhhhh....
by My EARS. November 2, 2004
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This is what happens when an alpha gam gets so wasted on spring break that she gets seasick on land and hallucinates seeing pirates in south padre.
Damn...that alpha gam prez had stomach scurvy so bad she thought she was a seasick pirate wench in the 1800s.
by shadews February 22, 2012
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