He likes to attack people and say fuck you.
Fuck off naruto the shinobis are assholes
Sasuke the idiot ninja
by The Hitler Of Uchihas Tobirama January 23, 2018
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Character from the anime and manga series Ranma 1/2. Tatewaki Kuno's loyal, but fumbling, ninja man-servant.
Sasuke: So, these are the bed chambers of Akane Tendo. Being in such a sacred place sends chills down my spine.
by Nallcat May 9, 2005
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An amazing ninja from the Leaf Village. He is hot and smexy. Sasuke is God! He is not emo,gay, he doesnt like getting raped, and his passion for revenge is amazingly sexy.
All Sasuke haters need to die a painfu death!
by Sasuke uis mxy January 19, 2011
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A person who is a bitch for people named Naruto
You like Naruto your such a Sasuke
by HiIamthebest November 25, 2019
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A smexy anime character from the anime Naruto. What gender he likes? Unknown. For all we know he might just be bi. HE is 1 of the 3 people that posses the sharingan and he seems to LOOOOVE fire, pyromaniac. He's goes to Orochimaru to get power and acts like a f***in bitch to do so but for some reason we all still love him, right? Well i do xP. If he had a thing for any guy he would be the seme, unless it was Orochimaru or Itachi...or some other grown man...but u get the point. He probably WILL come back to Konoha and WILL do something good for once...at least i hope so. He loves onigiri and tomatoes. His hobbies are training and taking walks. He wants to kill Itachi and will live with a manwhore to do so.
Naruto: Even you screw up from time to time!
Sasuke: I'm gonna screw YOU up!
Naruto: Go for it!
He might be gay...or
(they are at a Hot Spring)
Sakura: Hey Hinata, how'd you get those?
Hinata: ??
Naruto: *drools* <<at Hinata
Sasuke: *blushes and drools* <<at Sakura
by T-i-gg-er F-U November 27, 2006
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Sasuke Uchiha...the fangirls cant get enough of him and the women crowed him.(sakura-kirin)

His sexyness makes it easy for him to find girl to Impregnate, i mean how else is he going to revive the uchiclan and Madara is to old so his seed dried up along time ago!

i wonder... would he teach his son to sneak attack someone while their sitting on the toilet or teach his daughter to cry every time things do go her way?
kirin is more of a suck-up then sakura. madara's been living since the beginning of time.SRLYS
will sasuke live to have kids?
by Abby-Pine January 30, 2009
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A sexual machine. The future hokage, and father of Hinata's child. NINJA
Sasuje Uchiha is a character from the Popular series Naruto. Sasuke is needed in the series since Naruto is such a failure of a character. Sasuke is a former member of team 7, but left after he saw Naruto having buttsmex with Ebisu. Sasuke decided he wanted none of that, and has instead dedicated his life to the good of the ninja world.

He went to the main villian from part one, Orochimaru so he could gain the power to kill his brother, and also to impress his main girl, Kurenai. In chapter 500 it's revealed that Sasuke is the father to Kurenai's baby. sasuke is currently awakening his EMS, so he can easily crush Naruto (though the EMS power isn't actually needed)
by SSJ Krillin August 19, 2011
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