Really awesome move where you bang a chic in the ass, and just before you cum, pull out and spit on her neck. Innocently thinking you finished, she turns around, just in time for you to nail her in the face.
by Liz May 15, 2003
1. The art of sneaking your unit into a chick's ass when you're doing her doggy style. (Note: This generally is not met with a good response)
by Zark January 20, 2005
While having sexual intercourse with girl, you yell out "Sneak Attack" and stick your thumb up her ass.
by WasTi July 16, 2011
A sexual move in which the male licks his finger, to show his female partner that he is going to insert it into her ass, when in actuality he sticks his cock in instead, thus "sneaking" it in.
"Jessica got so pissed last night when I gave her a sneak attack. I'm not surprised, I'm hung pretty well. Poor girl."
by JD & MK February 10, 2008
It is when you are sitting there minding your business and all of the suddun you start sweating because you have to shit so bad. if you don't make it to a toilet you will shit yourself. it usually happends in the most inconvenient moment like being on a first date with someone or you are in mexico with no indoor plumbing or in an area with onlt johnny on the spot available.
by Teabagette April 12, 2005
while a woman is going down on a guy she pretends to play with his balls, then slips a finger in his rectum.
by Erika JJ April 7, 2008
by k4sper April 16, 2003