<camp-user> Hiya darlin!
<user> RUG?
by Benjim June 17, 2004
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Noun: a person of middle eastern descent - Used as a derogatory term....Refers to the Persian-type rugs commonly used in the middle east for tent adornment, corpse swaddling, and flying around on, ala Aladdin...

"Did ya see that group of rugs over there trying to shoplift all that hummus?? Grandma drops to the ground to pray to Allah, starts wailing away in order to make a scene, and the rest of the group begins grabbing whatever they can off the shelves"....

Ever been to Dearborn?

by emil yanklemann April 23, 2008
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It’s a goddamn rug why the fuck did you look up rug you inbred shit
Guy 1: “ay cuh like my new rug?”
Guy 2: “Bruh the fuck, ion care it’s a fucking rug stfu and get me another soda”
by Seikinushi March 2, 2020
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The symptom where a woman has two stripes of pubic hair
"dude her rugs are nasty"
"yeah I perfer clean pussy"
by F-22man January 22, 2012
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a manly women who is often mistaken for being called a gay 12 year old
wowo did you know that rug is actually a women i thought she was a gay boy
by ayyygay December 29, 2018
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RUG is indescribable ...its just RUG

To be RUG u must .... work it out for urself, thats when u know you are RUG:)
"you are sooo RUG"

"that was RUG"

"HA.. RUG"
by KA123 April 29, 2008
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