(AKA Roch)Town or City, I'm not sure which (thers a cathedral but someone petitioned to make it a town), in Medway, Kent, England. Full of grungers, bmxers, skaters and other people who listen to "Alternative" music, as well as plenty of "normal" people, some opf whom are the friendliest people you will ever meet. A great place to go and visit because of the history of the place: important castle and cathedral, as well as being the residence (and birthplace and place of death i think) of Charles Dickens, and was, until recently, the site of a Dickens museum. Its only downfall is its location: a few minutes walk from Chavham, so beware if you are waring anything that could identify you as a member of any of the groups mentioned above should you venture too far from rochester alone.
Person 1: "Lets go to Rochester!"
Person 2: "Yeah! Roch rocks!"
by burnchavhamtotheground September 14, 2005
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a small town in washington with tons of hickish people that all come together. full of crazy soccer moms and stoner middle schoolers.
You: Isn't Rochester where that lady kicked the coach of her kindergartners soccer team in the balls?

Me: Probably.
by jerryisallama December 26, 2014
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A place where stoner's go in January on Saturday nights to get baked and see a Laser-light show consisting of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, or The Beatles.
Adam, Ryan, and Jun, always go to the Rochester Planetarium every weekend in January to watch the laserlight show while HIGH.
by lakshmi234423 January 8, 2008
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This effect is felt upon spending extended periods of time in the dark, dreary, depressing town of Rochester, NY. It is commonly associated with binge drinking and depression.
My life was going great until I moved to Rochester and felt the full effects of the Rochester Effect.
by bigDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD March 28, 2022
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Yo, where do you live.

i reckon i live in them there Rochester, WA
by gahhh. June 17, 2009
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Although located in what many would consider the armpit of America, the University of Rochester is an institution of higher learning held in surprisingly high regard both internationally and domestically. Internationally, according to the Times of London, the University of Rochester ranks 73 substantially ahead of many well reputed schools including Dartmouth and admittedly below many of the world's most renowned schools. Domestically, according to US News, the University of Rochester fluctuates in the low 30's and high 20's. Its large endowment and excellent research opportunities make the University of Rochester an excellent stepping stone for future admissions into graduate school. Overall, Rochester is a great place to obtain an education but not such a great place to have a social life.
Its fucking freezing and I'm miserable, thank god I busted my ass in high school to get a 1450 on the SAT and a 4.0 GPA so that I could come to the University of Rochester!
by lasers November 15, 2005
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A (typically) costly solution to a problem that didn't exist.
The Fast Ferry to Toronto was a great Rochester Idea.

The Renaissance Square Theater above the Bus Depot is another great Rochester Idea.
by ccarlson March 10, 2009
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