To always be acting like a dork; Constantly being weird.
by K0n Artist July 18, 2008
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Ghetto girls that think they look cool calling themselves "Pookie" When really they are just a waste of space. They think they are ghetto, but really live in white communities. Overall pookie is a pathetic way for white homies to holla at their girl.
Ay yo pookie get yo fat ol ass over dis way
by SamTheMan610 July 21, 2011
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Any area on the female body that a mans penis can fit into. Derived from pussy and dookie; (Poo-key)
by Guyton_the_goat February 27, 2019
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A being of no life. Uses small whispers and sad pet names. A being scared of the outside world and outside life.
by cjs9485 May 5, 2008
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A chinese Dentist. May sometimes also be known as a jackass.
I just love my Pookie.
by pookie November 24, 2004
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