This is what I call the poorly educated that hold their eating utensil like a shovel and generally act like a pig. 'Struction workers are famous for it.
Look at that deplorable food piggy shoveling food into his face. Let's go somewhere else.
by Master of The Factory August 12, 2018
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An unattractive person carries a gun or a large genital package.
Wilbur may be a pig but girls say piggy's packing!
by I, Wreckerrr November 10, 2016
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If you actually looked this up because Kryoz, Smii7y, Eli, Mini, and Anthony were playing Cards Against Humanity and we’re talking about it then props to you. xD
The least inappropriate card I have is a Piggy Plane!
by Dr.SpencerReid July 7, 2018
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A piggy packer is one who has sex with the obese or unattractive.
Otto had no standards for appearance or manners and was called the piggy packer.
by I, Wreckerrr October 16, 2016
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a popular cool street phrase used by legends when answering questions where the answer is absolutely, definitely, of course ect
is it going to be hot today? piggy doubt!
can I have some bacon? piggy doubt!
by Leila the OG August 5, 2018
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A police car, marked or unmarked.
Unmarked crown vics are such obvious piggy whips.
by P.E. Whipple July 30, 2011
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A term for coins and other valuables that one can place into a piggy bank for safe-keeping.
Check it out - three quarters! That is some sweet piggy food right there.
by Oink_oink_daaaaang November 12, 2010
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