an acronym for masturbation; masturbation:

Pull / (ing)
Sex organs
When being told to explore new horizons,

"You should practice PHYSICS."
"Yes ma'am!"
by Browniezz October 13, 2009
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To purge, create a laxative effect resulting in weapons grade flatulence and splattering shite all over the toilet.
Grandpa Will has been rocking the Jack LaLanne juicer again! Verl says that "physics" him! Why does he have to use our toilet at the Christmas party!
by Thebiglebowski10 December 28, 2011
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A way of saying how a ball rolls, but with alien characters
I just went to physics class, feels like i'm learning alien language.
by A random piece of cardboard August 25, 2020
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The most annoying and fucking useless subject in school.
Teacher: "Hey, Wyatt, give me an example of physics."
Wyatt: "Dropping a child."
by JotaroPart4 February 8, 2021
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Physicalism says that consciousness emerges from the sum of the electrical impulses in your brain.
by metawave October 18, 2020
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The exaggerated motion of a female characters' breasts in video games, particularly fighting games. Popularized by the Dead or Alive series of games.
Taki's got some serious physics in Soul Calibur III.
by engee July 7, 2006
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One of the many code words for alcohol, especially in respect to beer. Used to imply studying; sometimes students with large backpacks full of "physics textbooks" can be seen taking the outer loop night bus at an unspecified location on Long Island.
"I love physics, man. I love physics in my left hand, physics in my right hand..." -(Ass-Macleod)
by LBorealis November 4, 2009
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