Pepsi= Coke + more water + more sugar. Ta da.
Why does my Coke taste like it's been watered down and sugar has been added? Oh it's Pepsi..
by Vic Shelick August 28, 2003
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Bottled/Canned shitty ass drink
by Kisle August 26, 2008
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1 can of pepsi has abt 365 calories..n a sexual intercourse can burn quite alot of those calories after havin pepsi it is recommended 2 fuck if one wants 2 stay fit and if sum1 invites u 4 a pepsi make sure wat he/she actually means...
lets have a pepsi now then mayb v can have sum fun
by xyz July 17, 2004
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Cola beverage, similar to coke.
"Wake up people,... Pepsi and coke are the same thing!" -Hommer Jay Simpson
by Justin J April 24, 2004
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A Soda made by Pepsico, they are like, the most liberal company ever. They wouldn't be anything without Coca Cola, seeing as they steal their ideas. Oh well. Just proves liberals can't think for themselves.

((Coca Cola is red, while Pepsi is blue. Do you see something political related here?))
Pepsi is liberal piss enhanced with sugar, dark-brown dye and caffeine.
by John_Kerry April 1, 2006
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ur sick? have a pepsi... OH NM IT JUST TASTE LIKE MEDICINE! And i don't think drinking diherrea is going to cure you.
by coca September 25, 2003
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Dude 1 'hey bro can you go to the store and get me some coke
Dude 2 'you mean pepsi?
Dude 1 no i actually mean coke
by ksi=big fourhead February 10, 2021
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