Extremely loose stool consisting mostly of brown liquid rather than solid turds. Severe diarhea, the runs, the squirts.
The day after a delicious basket of spicy hot wings from Bdubs I was wishing I had a cold river to shit in. I had the shits so bad I felt like I was peeing out of my butt.
by charlygordon123456 July 25, 2006
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White Pee Front Butt comes from a term used by a child to describe incestual molestation.
"Mommy, mommy. Uncle Jerry white pee'd in my front butt"
"lets get together and try a little bit of the white pee front butt?"
by Craig McRae July 7, 2006
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This is a reference to ejaculation "White Pee" and the vagina "Front Butt". This was first introduced by a comedian out of San Diego named Allison Gill.
by AnexusSystems September 9, 2014
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someone who is very kind and generous. A kind and caring person.
I think he is a poo-poo-pee-pee-butt-poo-pee-head-man!
by IEATTERMITES February 10, 2022
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