Crack. Coming from an episode of "Family Guy".
You got any pancakes left?
by Bob1234567890 June 2, 2005
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TOSSING, e.g. to TOSS a pancake
'What were you doing last night'
'Oh, I was up tossing pancakes'
by Amyiscool February 7, 2010
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When someone has huge nipples.
The strip club was awesome until Zippy the huge, pulled off her shirt to reveal some dark pancakes.
by Renal Ultrasound March 26, 2003
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A slang term for crack cocaine and flapjacks

This term started after the episode of Family Guy when Meg inadvertently tricks a social worker into thinking Stewie is addicted to crack
Some guy: I gotta score some Pancakes man
Another guy: It's a little late for breakfast don't you think?
by Glenjamin87 August 24, 2009
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A car with airbags or hydraulics, which allows the dropping all four corners of the vehicle at once.
Ludacris drove by in his Cutlass and we all yelled "Pancake! Pancake!"
by Chizammmmm February 20, 2008
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1. A gay male.
2. A homosexual.
3. An efiminite straight man.
"Joe can't possibly like Cindy. He's a freakin' pancake."
by TheyCallMyNamesBrian September 26, 2006
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Because words are hard, pancakes is an expression of fondness, infatuation, and affection when no other expression seems to fit or is appropriate. It is something you can say to someone so that they will know, and you will know, even though neither of you really know. There is also an emoji for it, so that is nice.
Did you tell her how you feel?

No, I got tongue-tied and said, "I really like pancakes."
Well, did she get it?
Yeah, because she said she likes pancakes too, and then we totally nibbled.
by kinkybabysteps May 25, 2019
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