A very effective survival move especially if you want to stall out the fights.
although there are certain things that can happen, either you'll get called off being a coward/bad.
but hey, This is an effective move after all.
Onion: *dashes away*
me: he's doing "The Orion" again!!
by Z46Chan November 4, 2020
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A faction in Starbase, associated with military and PvP.
Person one: Oh look this guy is so cool ,from what faction is he?

Person two : ORION, of course
by Custom_amount_26 April 27, 2021
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someone who has a giant cock and is forced to walk with it as his curse. but is still awesome
That guys cock is so big he's almost an Orion
by kyle poterman March 1, 2009
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Orion. A very based individual with a huge dick. Boywife of Kaiya and has Discord Nitro.
Hey, you're almost like Orion!
by el frano March 30, 2022
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sick as balls, bombinarnar, the opposite of creepaloo
Hey Blane, your crotch mound is The Orion.
by Testiclees April 6, 2006
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v. To do something in a way which is completely and ridiculously over the top without any sense of the embarassment that a normal person of sound mind would experience.
Did you see John come into work dressed as Panama Jack today? He sure knows how to orionize his wardrobe.
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The absolute master of all that is leet, elite, eleet, or 1337. He is the most powerful counter strike player, and will pwn any noobs that he may come across.
Dude! Orion is so good, he should be in the PUBMASTERS!
by Geoff "ORION" Naylor January 9, 2005
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