The time after leaving a club or event (usually involving large amounts of drinking) when one gets fast food in the form of burgers, kebabs or chips, from a nearby van or shop.
Just left the club, pretty wasted, need some food, it's Burger o'clock!!
by voodoo_mongrel May 14, 2009
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The time in which people gather in a localized area to play some form of Super Smash. This can be shortened to Smash. It is always Smash O'Clock.
Joe: Dude, it's Smash O'Clock.
Parker: But we have calc class in 3 minutes.
Joe: That's time for at least two 5 stock matches!
by Supersmashbros>Class November 15, 2010
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Another way of saying "time for a drink"
Can be used at finishing time of work, at the end of a sporting event or any time that "time for a drink" would be mist appropriate
at work day's end
"righto boys, beer o'clock"
by bridgenie August 21, 2005
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Much like "Beer Thirty", "Shot O'clock" references ANY time of the day in which the mood reflects the need for a shot glass filled with any strong liquor, preferably Patron or any Tequila.
Guess what time it is!!! Its SHOT O'CLOCK!!! WHERE'S THE PATRON?!?!?!
by Free Chorizo1 March 16, 2010
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An unreasonably early hour.
I gotta get up at ass o'clock every day for the next month. I hate my job.
by LudwigVan October 2, 2004
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The magical hour between 3 and 4am when it is acceptable to drop your pants within a group of people (usually theatre people) after working many long and strenuous hours most often drafting, model-building, loading-in or striking sets or lights onstage. It has its origins when a group of grad students spent most of week trapped inside a room drafting their final project for drafting class and just wanted to be comfortable so they dropped trow and pantsless o'clock was born
Pantsless o'clock was a little too revealing last night
by ukiechick13 February 20, 2010
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