if you dont nea nea you get hit by a belt because you didnt nae nae
karl: nea nea before u get da whoppin

bedar: (nae naes)
by glothy October 8, 2020
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An indeed interesting... moodswingy... beautiful, Hmm, probably a delightful girl. Nea Winkler often get's it her way, since she has a strong bond with everyone around her, including animals, most people would probably agree with her. Not only is she perfect but trustworthy. She'll even treat you to a free meal... But she doesn't like to share her chocolate.
Me: Here Nea Winkler I bought you some chocolate.
Nea: Thanks for buying this tasty chocolate to me, I appriciate your kindess, but don't call me that :)
Me: No problem, Oh can I have a bite?
Nea: No?...
Me: Aww c'mon, pleasee?
Nea: Alright, I'll give you a bit of it.
Me: Thanks, you're the best :)).... Nea Winkler.
Nea: Alright you ain't getting nothing now.
by Alriiiiiiightiieeee November 10, 2019
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NEA: It's how Colombians refer to street people in a nice way, a way to call their Guetto boys. In other latin slangs could be called "Cholo" "Liendra" or even "homie"
Oe nea, que se dice? / Ese tipo es una nea, que peligro.
by Malicious® August 8, 2022
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Nea is a mean and disloyal person. She will betray anyone for the attention of a boy. Though, she never seems to be able to keep that attention. She will talk behind your back and be kind to your face. She was raised to think that she owns the world and is better than others. She has jealousy flowing through her body at all times. She oversexualizes herself in a sad attempt for attention. Some might almost feel bad for her. She will never be able to out run her envy. She spends thousands on clothes, hair and makeup. But it will probably never fix her insecurities.
Nea is a jealous bitch.
by tals333 November 3, 2022
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Nea is The Entity and is determined to kills all survivors.
by Myrodistus April 27, 2021
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A girl who lives in malaysia and constantly thinks she can reclaim a slur but is living in the backwoods of a homeless shelter. That little bitch…
I know this girl named nea, she’s a broke bitch
by REALM/VURIIN January 2, 2023
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