A rock band. Also means artistic inspiration. Also a word that describes me(pretty, sister-goddess). It's where the word "music" comes from.
1. "Muse is the awesomest band EVER!!!"

2. "Samantha was my muse for this painting"

3. "Aphrodite, you're such a muse. You're pretty, smart, artistic, and can sing so well you can make a bird jealous!"
by Aphrodite'sReincarnation September 17, 2008
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look to any group of young artists; writers, musicians, painters etc, in our male dominated culture you will find them centered around one or the occasional few females that seem to always be the center of attention. observe the dynamic between these talented males and these special feminine figures.... essentially the group is all in rapture with the woman figure who for whatever reason may inspire great art amongst the group.
male 1-"we're having a jam session sunday night"

male 2-"ill be there, and bring the amp will you? is gloria coming?"

male 3- "i didnt think she played an instrument??"

male 1- "well no she doesnt..but shes an important part of the group, shes down to hang dude, just wait till you meet her, you'll see, shes kind of my muse honestly"

male 3- "what are her titties awesome or something?"

male 2- "dude dont say that about her!... well, yeah they are pretty fantastical"

male1- "she'll be there, shes fundamenta to the creative process, shes my musel."
by sahaynee June 3, 2010
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The greatest band in the entire history of music. Consists of Matthew Bellamy, the lead singer with the voice of a god, guitarist, and pianist, Dominic Howard, a genius in drumming, and Christopher Wolstenholme, the legendary bassist and backing vocals. When their album "Showbiz" came out, Radiohead was shivering their timbers as they knew, that was not a replica of their mid music, it was art.
Normal Person: I want to be reincarnated into Matt Bellamy from Muse's guitar
by mibb December 9, 2022
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The most amazing band in the world. Compare them to Radiohead, and you will get stabbed. In the face. With a spork. It is such an insult to compare them. Muse is awesome. And amazing live.
I'd give an example, but there's really nothing comparable to the epicness that is Muse.
by I'm a butterfly February 9, 2011
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An animal, or something that a artist or writer creates, and they give the artist ideas.
by shadows_of_flame February 20, 2005
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A famous artists model and actress from London England, also a spokesmodel for superbeauty and Nivea.
by Muse Fan July 15, 2006
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A famous artistic nude model, actress, and published writer from London England, also a spokesmodel for superbeauty.com and Nivea.
by Muse Fan July 6, 2006
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