When, upon finding a rotting, stank, bloated from sitting in the sun, and frankly just all around disgusting female corpse, one places one's mouth over the vaginal opening, punches the corpses stomach, and proceeds to devour any and all fluids that issue thereof.
Hannibal was probably a big fan of the munge.
by Trueirony April 20, 2006
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The worst possible thing that could be imagined, conceived, or performed by the human mind. Eating the remaining bodily fluids of a dead women may fall under this category.
"To witness an act of mung could shock the mind into insanity"
by No May 15, 2003
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1. (verb) the act of digging up a recently deceased woman and putting your mouth up to her vaginal orfice while someone else stomps on her stomach forcing all of the fluids (from the vagina) into your mouth.

2. (noun) the literal vaginal secretions from the dead female once in your mouth
2. Josh's grandma died so Johnny and I munged her. The funeral was a munging good time.
by mr. mung March 6, 2005
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Munging is the act in which one jumps on the stomach of a dead corpse and eating through fallatio the embalming fluids which erupt out of the corpse in the jumping process.
What did you do last night? I went to the cemetary and munged some guy.
by Preseason3 September 1, 2003
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to go for a munch, a snack, little lunch. often confused with the gross type of mung.
eg. " boys, mung in about half a hour? we should get some Cheetos."
by chrisanator69er July 15, 2013
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1) Go to a graveyard, with a friend, and find the freshest female grave
2) Have you friend, or yourself, take ten to twelve full paces away from the undug body, and, with a running jump, stomp onto the bloated body
3) Inhale/partake in the consumption of her bodily fluids via vagina
4) Repeat
homes, check check it. Me and Joe just went over to the cemetary and munged the bejesus out of margaret's dead grandma
by B DUB April 30, 2004
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Any unidentifiable liquid/solid or anything in between that you would run through a burning shithouse to keep from smelling or getting on yourself!
When Ralph took off his sneakers he had some kind of grey mung goin on in between his toes.
by Jetmo May 5, 2009
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