The badest Bitch! Ghetto but Soo Fabulous! Street smart and book smart, with a weird funny sense of humor all in one. Monique's are soooo Sweet, Beautiful, smart,Loyal, funny,and not afraid to tell you what it is and what's it's not! Even if it means your feelings may be hurt, you Can always count on Monique keeping it Real with you in every way. Undeniably one of the most interesting funniest most loyal being u will meet Ever!!!!Monique is a true Freak that will make ur dick so fukin hard and horny that u will cum Rainbows and Gold JizZ every time Guaranteed.!
Jesse: Hay who's that chick that just walked in the room ?
David: Dog, that's Monique! She's fukin!!!!!
by SexyMexy#13 October 17, 2020
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The badest Bitch! Ghetto but Soo Fabulous! Street smart and book smart, with a weird funny sense of humor all in one. Monique's are soooo Sweet, Beautiful, smart,Loyal, funny,and not afraid to tell you what it is and what's it's not! Even if it means your feelings may be hurt, you Can always count on Monique keeping it Real with you in every way. Undeniably one of the most interesting funniest most loyal being u will meet Ever!!!!Monique is a true Freak that will make ur dick so fukin hard and horny that u will cum Rainbows and Gold JizZ every time Guaranteed.!
Jesse: Hay who's that chick that just walked in the room ?
David: Dog, that's Monique! She's fukin!!!!!
by SexyMexy#13 October 17, 2020
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Monique is a sexy and funny ass bitch
Monique you are one sexy and funny ass bitch!
by Moniqueeeeeeee November 24, 2021
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She's a blonde girl with beautiful blue eyes. Have a kind heart. Always care about people. She's someone that's loyal,honest & friendly. She's someone that has bad days, but choose to stay strong;because her story isn't over yet. She's a great friend, the perfect girl.
If that's the kind of person you would like to spend with for the rest of your life, marry a Monique... ;)
by TheBlueEyedGirl April 22, 2019
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This chick named Monique loves the dick so much she's a dirty sluty whore and she has no shame!
by December 27, 2022
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A person who is devoid of all logic. She usually obsesses over guys named Matthew or Josh.

She is probably the most handsome female who ever lived.
Dude: Hey Monique

Monique: I can't talk right now, I'm too busy obsessing over Matthew and Josh
by Grandpa Howard May 12, 2019
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Very loyal yet very suburban, she is one of a kind that might kill you for just being you, or just for breathing. She might not talk to you for a while if you get on her wrong side but yet she cares for the people she is really close to. She can remove you from the friend group or existence faster than Thanos's snap. She is one to say the truth and only the truth no matter the situation. She can be mean most of the time, but she is a very chill person.
"Watch out Monique is coming!"
by Juicy D 7473 April 22, 2021
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