Adjective, used to describe something boring, uninteresting or poor quality.
Mainly used by Gen Z or younger.
Person 1: Did you like the new movie?
Person 2: No, it was kind of mid.
by SomeoneElse42 June 15, 2023
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"Man, Chris and Hunter really are mid. It's a shame they aren't cooler."
by Yeetyote3690 April 8, 2022
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Mids can range anywhere from schwag to fire mids.
All mids give you the same tired, bored high which leaves you with a headache every other time.

Alot of people that smoke marjiuana prefer good mids rather than high-quality marijuana, just because of prices.

When you smoke mids you'll start to feel that your vision is getting hazy and your feeling as if your in a dream.

But as you smoke and smoke more and more you become tired, exhausted, and feel as if you need to lie down and just go to bed. Alot of people hate mids because of those few reasons and because they would rather have a better high.

Schwag mids is never in nugget form its always broken up and can be lacking chlorophyll making it turn brown and even black.

Fire mids almost look as if its dank. They are loaded with red hairs and crystals if your lucky. But unfortunately it gives you pretty much the same high, it just doeesn't take as much smoke as schwag.
Guy1: I hate mids man i dont smoke dirt.

Guy2: Mids are awsome man you get more smoke for the bucks.

Guy1: I dont care, you can have fun with your mids and ill go smoke some real bud.
by tomsmithakid July 6, 2009
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Short for Midshipman -- a student at the Naval or Merchant Marine Academy
That Mid is locked on.
by Kappa Pi Sigma September 5, 2006
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Ubuntu just released a new version of their OS for MIDs.
by Uh, Clem July 11, 2008
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This word is used when you taking about someone or something that’s isn’t terrible, but not exciting
This PNGtuber is so mid
by Handy1836 April 20, 2022
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Joker Out, a popular Slovenian quasi-rock band.
If you don't think Joker Out is mid af ur tripping balls.
by KindofKay June 24, 2022
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