When a student partakes in a class for a full semester, and holds a close to, if not failing mark.

Come the final exam, the failing student bombs the final, but the teacher passes him along into the next grade/course level via "mercy pass".
Jeff is practically a chimp. The only way he'll pass this course is if he gets mercy passed. Hell. A chimp has more of a chance now that I think about it.
by Gin_Tama January 27, 2010
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When you hang out with somebody who is lame, but only because you feel bad.
Dude 1: Yeah, so I hung out with Adam the other day.
Dude 2: Why? That dude is so lame.
Dude 1: Yeah, I know. It was a total mercy chilling.
by Tommy Vancouver August 24, 2009
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Flushing a particularaly bad-smelling turd down the toilet in the stall of a public bathroom while you are still crapping so other people will not smell it. This can be repeated as many times as necessary.
Person in right stall: *Poops*

Person in left stall: "Oh God! That's Horrible! How about a
Mercy Flush?"

Person in right stall: *Flushes*

Person in left stall: "Thanks."

Person in right stall: "Welcome" *Continues Pooping*
by VegitarianZombie July 23, 2009
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When you allow someone nice to get a little handsy because you feel sorry for them and their limited groping opportunities.
Henry is such a nice guy and I feel bad that he doesn't get any action. I permitted the hello hug to evolve into a light Mercy Grope last night just to throw the guy a bone.
by Jezebel Vandersnatch & Brett September 12, 2009
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Because she felt bad for him, Maya gave George mercy hump.
by CurveBoy8310 July 18, 2009
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when one person offers to make fuck with another because the first person hasn't gotten any in a really long time; results from "feeling bad" about the other person not getting any
"I'm in the mood to give you a mercy jump. Time to break you out of that slump!"
by Eric Loy April 14, 2004
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An extremely anglicized version of "Merci Beaucoup", which means "Thank you so much". Usually used by French students and Frenchies to confuse their English counterparts. A word used often in Franglais.
Girl 1: Hey, donne-moi your devoirs, I need to copier.
Girl 2: Sure! Here you go.
Girl 1: Mercy buckets.
by lenamarie November 28, 2006
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