Someone who is being overly grumpy and rude (essentially a bitch).

menstrual negative nancy debbie downer myrtle
- There's no fucking glasses.
- Try the dishwasher.
Oh, for God's sake! Right, we're going out.
- Out where? - I don't care.
Out of here.
Fucking hell, I'll buy you a new glass if you're going to be such a menstrual Myrtle about it.
by YoungestOfTheThree January 31, 2020
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a fart or series of farts during your period often having an aroma different from your normal farts. Sometimes the smell is metallic or extra eggy.
Wow, those menstrual winds sure are potent today.
by octoberblack September 7, 2020
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Any emotional meltdown that occurs before, after or during a menstruation cycle.
Don't worry about what she said, she's just having a menstrual breakdown.
by Smallplastictree July 15, 2015
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When a girl is about to start her period or is on her period and gets unhealthy food cravings
Hey girl lets get chocolate ice cream. Im definitely getting those menstrual munchies!
by Crumpinghotdog June 27, 2015
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When you're eating a girl out on her period, and when you stop your upper lip area has blood on it
Dude your breath smells terrible. What's more, did you get punched in the nose? Your lip is bleeding.

Nope, my girl is ragging and I ate her out so it's my menstrual mustache.
by jrudeboy February 19, 2014
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The twenty-eight day cycle between the release of female eggs, ovulation.
Tyrone kept Jennifer knocked up every time she ovulated because he couldn't stand the sight of a bloody cunt; therefore Jennifer's menstrual cycle was almost non-existent since she bore Tyrone's child yearly. When she started her periods again after each birth, he knocked her up again to minimize the bloody periods.
by Richard Black March 24, 2005
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