She has brown hair, and brown eyes. She's always taking pictures with her friends and family, and is always making someone laugh. At lunch, she usually sit's with the same people and the same table. She's super Crazy and is a salty potato
by Naticorn_Nat December 7, 2018
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The most beautiful woman you will ever meet. She takes your breath away. She cares/ will care for her children. She loves her family and she is so sweet and kind
Man: Did you see Meghan?!
Andy: Yeah, isn't she gorgeous..
by Ann Tonymm May 5, 2018
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A Meghan is one of those girls who is social with new people, but shy at the same time. She has short, curly, brown hair and always knows how to make you laugh. She’s almost always a positive person, and is she’s ever sad, it’s not for a long time. She will stick by your side no matter what. If you’re ever lucky enough to find and befriend a Meghan, never let her go. She’s one of a kind, you’ll never find anyone like her.
I’ll bet her name’s Meghan. She definitely acts and looks like one
by JayneDeaux2790 April 12, 2018
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Beautiful girl that everyone’s jealous of. Always has the best clothes and will never be caught wearing the same clothes twice. In a relationship that everyone is jealous of. Pretty much royalty.
“Wow Meghan looks stunning today!”
by 7/11 der ugh zz February 12, 2018
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A fierce, loyal, extravagant lady who cannot be replaced. She goes above and beyond in all she does with unmatched zeal and unwavering commitment. A quick-witted woman whose energy can only be matched by her stunning glow. A rare find.
Do you know Meghan? If you don't, you should.
by oboeboe July 26, 2019
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smart girl who knows what she wants in life . She can have bad days when she has to go to science class but most of the time she smiles . She is good in volleyball but hates voice thread
" Dang that girl is so pretty . She must be a Meghan."
by iAmBasedGod December 21, 2012
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Literally the most beautiful person fucking ever. If you don’t love her, you’re crazy!
I swear Meghan is literally the most lovable girl i’ve met.
by bigsket205 May 8, 2019
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