The mass as celebrated by Latin rite Roman Catholics till ~1962 when the mass was reformed to what is called the 'ordinary form'. The (traditional) latin mass is sometimes called the Tridentine mass. The mass is in latin, mostly inaudible to the attenders, the priest faces away from the people, much more solemn and ritualistic. Now it tends to be an SSPX or RadTrad fixation who are ultra-conservative and ultra-traditional. Despite that there is some actual Roman Catholic usage, and increasing usage like with the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, but it remains the 'extraordinary form'.
Person 1: The Latin Mass is very beautiful and solemn.

Person 2: But I couldn't hear the Priest at all. Also I was at the back so I couldn't even see what was going on.
Person 3: The new mass focuses on community and participation, like the early church, maybe the new mass doesn't have the solemness and beauty of the former but we can keep working on it.
RadTrad: You ALL don't even have the real mass anymore, you aren't real Catholics, the Pope is an imposter, and you all should be afraid because Jesus came to dispense justice just like the movie "Judge Dredd" (1995)

Person 1, 2, 3: You need help RadTrad.
by DragonCommentary December 3, 2020
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A Mass Poop.
The kind of poop that is so large and magnificent that you just have to take a pic of and send it to friends. They find it so intriguing- they put it on social media and show the rest of their friends. The picture goes viral and the whole world appreciates your poop. You can thank your poop for your fame!
Martha: Whoa have you seen that pic of Sharpay's poop?!?
Kelsi: IKR! No wander everyone loves her!
Martha: Yep now that's what you call a mass poop!
by halabaloonie March 4, 2015
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The best battle theme of all time.
"Oh babe I've got a whole crew with me who can relate
To this Mass Destruction
(Just go crazy)"
by sjl057 October 30, 2019
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A Mass Monster is a person who is consisted of nothing but pure hard gained muscle. They usually skip most of their classes and go out of their way to go to a school gym. The weight room is pretty much their second home.
What’s that clanging noise in the weight room? I thought it was closed.
Oh that’s probably just Elijah being a Mass Monster .
by YazDef February 21, 2020
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The point at which one has enough Twitter followers to have an expert on virtually any subject ready to answer your most random questions.
@malki: "This week alone I've already heard from librarians, JPL engineers, and now solar phenomena enthusiasts."

@brendo_91: "(you've reached) twitical mass."
by randomtwitterer October 27, 2012
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Shortened and somewhat corrupted pronunciation of the derogatory word 'dumbass'. Used to describe some kind of fool, or someone who's made a particularly foolish mistake, or some kind of epic fail.

Quite notably created by the infamous Dylan Basnett, along with other such words such as 'PAIN' and 'CREM'.
Dylan: I thought the current prime minister was Tony Blair?
Jack: MASS Dylan! Old Blair got the boot eons ago.
by michaelfishywishywish. July 21, 2010
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Sending a snapchat to all your friends you think are worthy. Anything sent to 3 or more people could be considered a mass snap.

"i cant story this one but ill send it as a mass snap"
"you can tell that was a mass snap"
"i cant story this one but ill send it as a mass snap"
"you can tell that was a mass snap"
by beastmonkey1001 March 22, 2016
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