The next step after Whippedman Syndrome, it's symptons include all that are outlined in Whippedman Syndrome, however the usual and fairly consistant electronic communications from the affected male turn into only one communication a year; christmas cards. This is occasionally and sparatically follwed by postal communications regarding births, baptisms, graduations, 21st's and finally weddings, thus continuing the cycle for the next generation.
Me: "Man, Sharky's case of Married Man Syndrome has cleared up since Casey dumped his arse, but im not going to hang out with him, the douche hasn't spoken to me in 5 years."
Ryan: "lololol"
by Hunterz January 17, 2007
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A term used to dehumanize short men. On the basis of this prejudiced term, a short man isn't allowed to do anything assertive, confident, or generally masculine without being accused of overcompensating or having short man's syndrome.

Whereas if a taller man exhibited the same exact behavior, nobody would bat an eyelash.
I rudely shoved that short guy at the bar out of my way, and he got all angry about it. Talk about short man's syndrome!
by cosmiccountrynoir April 24, 2011
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A demeaning phrases to explain the
everyday behaviour or reactions of a
shorter man. This circular definition
is very much like the black man's
supposed "chip on the shoulder," or a
female's "penis envy".

It is a device to excuse discrimination
by blaming the recipient of that
Redneck 1: "Hey, that guy got angry when I ridiculed him for being short."

Redneck 2: "He did? I guess that must be short man's syndrome."
by don May 1, 2004
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White Man Syndrome (WMS) affects almost all white men.
A man with WMS is "always right," and will argue with you to the bitter end even if he doesn't have all the facts or is completely proven wrong. He will also find the need to criticize EVERYONE, whether they are close friends or strangers. In fact, a man with WMS loves criticizing complete strangers, and often embarrasses his friends by doing so, without a care.

Also, Most white men with WMS own hiking boots, even though they have absolutely no use for them whatsoever.
"The sky is green, I don't know what you're talking about. Blue? Go make me a sandwhich." "Can't you calm your White Man Syndrome for two seconds?!?!"
by LeChickaN September 2, 2011
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When a male is generously short. This particular male feels the need to have a big bark. They feel emasculated when their bark is big!!! It covers up their extremely little legs. When everyone knows the bark is bigger than the bite.
Matt walks around all day looking up at people! He is very jealous that he’s not tall like all the other boys, so he shouts profanities at them !! he' is only 5'4:( he has little man syndrome!
by Amy Jae August 12, 2019
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The way that unintelligent women perceive assertiveness in males of small stature. When the same women see the exact same behavior in a larger man, they consider it confidence.
Manager (short man): Ma'am, I have asked you not to talk on your cell phone in the theatre. Now, I'm going to have to ask you to leave and if you do not comply, you will be escorted by security.

Ally: That manager who threw me out of the movie for talking on my cell phone totally has small man syndrome, he's like such a loser and is just jealous cuz I will never sleep with him.

Jeff: I think he knows you have herpes and he is married.

Ally: Shut up Jeff! He totally has the small man syndrome! He puffs up his chest and all that. He like totally thinks he's that pirate, Neapolitan.

Jeff: You mean Napoleon, and he was not a pirate...
by Majestic Lizard 08 April 28, 2009
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A midget that acts like a dic and tries to be tough because he’s an insecure little fuck
Ok Michael, why u so salty ? U got little man syndrome ?
by Saavyjavi January 12, 2022
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