The girl i love, she is the most amazing girl in the world love you Madi <3
Jake loves Madi
by Hylianloachpoacher May 26, 2012
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One of the nicest people you will ever meet. Nice to everyone, beautiful smile, nice boobs, good at surfing, and a great friend.
Woah, she's so lucky to have a Madi as a best friend!
by Andi Flops January 10, 2010
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I, think that madi is one to Love and to be loved. Overall she is Very outgoing and she can rock your world. she Even looks great on average clothing or an uniform. Her personal is great with a great laugh. Everything about her Rocks.
New guy:“Who’s that blonde?”

Me:”you must be new, that’s Madi, she’s the best girl in town
by Carter Slaton February 26, 2018
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Beautifull, inside and out, lovable, Artistic, She wont throw out annything, instead she will turn it into a piece of art, and the best friend anny one could ever have. She will cheer you up, make you laugh till you pee your pants then make you laugh about that. She is the funniest person I know. She is less than nintey pounds but can scarf down pop corn like no ones bisiness. She dreams of being an arcitect and I think she can do it. She fantasizes about singing opera, I really don't know about that one. She won't sing Opera for me. She writes great storys but always delets them.
I hung out with madi the other day. We ate popcorn and she made me wet myself.
by Stella Bonqueque July 21, 2011
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The most beautiful,gorgeous, adorable, perfect sexy girl you could ever meet.
Emily saw Madi and couldn't believe how gorgeous she looked.
by poprockpineapple April 20, 2015
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Where do I start. Madi is absolutely amazing, she is always there for me and when I need it the most, she can always make me laugh. She is gorgeous and doesn’t know it, I wouldn’t change her for the world. Madi always knowns what to say and when to say it. She is pretty inside and out. She is my best friend so if anybody touches her you will die. Jk. :)
Madi is amazing
by Kiiiiikiiiii June 18, 2019
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A beautiful , outstanding girl she never lets peole put her down and shines in everything she does madi is the most amazing girl you will meet she is a amazing friend and if you fin a madi you better not let her slip away.
Madi you are the best friend anyone could ask for.
by For_ever_and_always December 30, 2016
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