Loris is the most glorious and magnificent latin' s name. the possessor of this name is the most powerful human being in the world, his actions are marked by victory and his word are a waterfall of gold. in fact the name loris in latin means alloro, the plant of the victorious one.
A who is that god-a-like?
B that must be a Loris
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He is a person that eat graphic cards and USB keys etc... He can be a good person but if you mess with him he could blow you up !! So warning when you approach this men or you're gonna get hacked, even killed by him so do not steal his food.
Hey Loris I got an AMD Ryzen 3600x for you, do you wanna eat it sir ?!
by Kette November 22, 2021
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I'm missing a magnet. Loris came by.
by chyichyi November 23, 2021
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Loris is that friend you can't do without, a brother to always have fun with but above all a real Broskiii. If you have been lucky enough to be together you have understood the meaning of Life.
If you still don't know a Loris, open the door and go out and find one.
by Mr.Jackil November 21, 2021
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A guy named Loris is somebody that everyone can vibe with. He is a very kind, sweet, generous soul and always cares for his friends, and family. Loris is that one friend you can always rely on to be there for you when you're having a hard time in your life, you are the luckiest person in the world if you know Loris. He's the type of guy who will always put a smile on your face just by being in his presence, he is nothing but positive energy. Any girl that can manage to get in a relationship with this guy should know straight away that he is a keeper! He is loyal, loving, honest, and will always be there for you when you need him the most! Treasure this guy because he is one of a kind.
Person 1: Hey did you see Loris yet?
Person 2: Oh no I didn't! dang it, I was really hoping to see him today! Did you talk to him?
Person 1: Yeah I did! I've never seen anyone look so positive before, Loris is actually amazing!
by DyinOnTheInside March 16, 2022
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