alternative to laugh out loud LOL

LOP means laugh out poo
(Guy 1 cracks a joke)


Guy 1: ew. did u just shit your pants
by ju-fray August 17, 2010
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Left over pussy.
Mostly used by guys to insult their other guy friends.
" Man that dude's such a lop!"

"nah i don't wanna go riding."-Dom

" Dom your such a lop!"-Zach.
by ThatsWhatssGood. April 25, 2011
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Aazan: knock, knock
Daniel: who’s there?
Aazan: not my dad

Daniel: LOP
by Dansta05 April 20, 2018
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"Laugh out Privately"
1.(On facebook...)

Francois: "Hello, little child, want some candy?"
Child: "loploploploplop! Did you think I'd really fall for that!?!?loploplop!"

2.(On facebook...)

Bob: "Damnit! I got an F on my Discovering Geometry test!"
Random Girl: "loploplop"
Bob: "God! It's none of your business!"
by Void.S March 24, 2014
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LOP = Loss of Profit,

i.e losing some sort of profit or something totally not worth it.
I just lost $1000 at the casino, that's a LOP!
by Down South Boss October 1, 2009
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1.Common Misspelling of LOL

2.Licking Open Pussy
GF: so a boob fell out of my shirt during math class
BF:wait nooo!
by PleasureHole February 7, 2011
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When you type lol as lop so often that autocorrect no longer corrects it so u just leave it, realizing that it’s way better than lol and more accurately represents what you are feeling.
Selena: did you finish the math homework?
Me: lop no.
by hopefullythisworks April 2, 2019
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