A "stage name", if you will. The rockers usually use this so that fans everywhere will know them by something a bit more catchy than their real names.
Mike Dirnt. His real name is Mike Pritchard, but Dirnt is a name you will remember more easily. So, Dirnt is his "punk rock last name."
by :::James Bond::: September 3, 2005
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Sadly the humanity will never know this or will we?
1st guy: Sup bro, hey do you know what is Obama's last name?
2nd guy: Yes its...Ohh shit
by Mining bot March 27, 2021
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The most stupid thing you can ever say. Just please, stop.
Idiot: Hey, what's Obama's last name?
Person: Excuse me. did you pass high school?
by Generic usernaaaaaame June 24, 2017
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a false last name of "punks". this started with johnny rotten and sid vicious of the sex pistols. young punks still use this today such as Mat Decay, Mike Virus, Tara Heroin, Shar Nightmare, Ashely Cunt and such.
check out Mat Decay and Tara Heroin they are so punk rock.
by your business April 8, 2004
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