A person of Scandinavian descent. Referring mainly to those who cooperated or whose ancestors cooperated with the Nazi occupation forces during World War II. Also known for having the happiest peoples on earth, and functioning health care.
Those damn Ice Krauts across the street keep bringing some nasty fish back from the market. They're stinking up the whole fucking neighborhood!
by Lars Tiersonn December 1, 2009
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someone who rejects a good idea because of someones features such as tit size or erection size or boy or girl
judy-i think obama sucks bidens D!<K

John- i think obama sucks bidens D!<K

friend-ohh good observation john, judy stop slacking off!!!

judy-what an idea kraut
by kraut123 October 18, 2010
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To fuck the ever-loving shit out of a vagina.
Man I'm going to pound some kraut tonight.

I had liquor dick and couldn't nut so I just pounded that kraut like crazy.

Did you pound kraut last night?
by Kraut Pounder May 10, 2012
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ratchet, ugly, jank. could mean slutty, dirty, smelly.

could be a noun meaning prostitute, whore, hobo.
"that slut is sour-kraut"
by dafriendz December 3, 2011
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sour kraut vagina
a vagina that is crusty and moldy
This food tastes like kraut hole.
Don't be such a kraut hole.
by krauter195 November 23, 2010
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An edgy 13 year old white kid who found out he's 1/16 German on Ancestry.com. As a result of this, he becomes a total Nazi and basically the German version of a weeaboo.
Man, Jacob was a pretty cool guy, but he's been a total saur kraut since he tried out Ancestry.com.
by TheCascadian September 11, 2016
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