Someone who usually gets gay pranks played on them. Normally starts to cry and scream autistically after said pranks. Also has no dad.
"man did you see what i did to kody last night? He's gonna be thinking of my cock for days!"
by Not Geek October 19, 2018
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He makes an amazing boyfriend, he will love you no matter what, he will be there for you. He is also very good at sports, super smart and likes a good challenge. He is tough and will put up a fight. He is a little sensitive but lives his family. although he has been through a lot and is still going through things he has such a soft spot for the ones he loves and cares about. if you have a Kody in your life don't let him go trust me
Kody is my king.
by Anonymous1234567890-0987654323 December 7, 2020
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yo thats my vro over der yeah kody oooooh shit he just stole ur hippo nigga
by GANGNIGA July 31, 2019
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Cody with a K is greasy by nature so greasy in fact that it simply defies all laws of physics
Look at that Kody just positively dripping with grease
by Boby kelpnap April 21, 2019
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A bitchass that will usually fart and not say anything, usually feeds pizza rolls though.
Hey you know that kody girl?

“Which one?”

The one who calls everyone bitch ass

Oh yea
by Esketit1254 February 6, 2018
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Kody is a very loving, sweet, caring boy. He can get confusing at times & make bad decisions, but he will always love you. Kody is sensitive & gets mad easily, but makes a perfect boyfriend. He will always be thinking about you & never want to make you sad.
“Is that Kody?”
“Yeah, he’s cute, caring & a troublemaker.
by dndbjakala January 15, 2019
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A smart man with fantastic hair, like totally. He is extremely handsome, and can have any lover he chooses. His prowess is legendary
Check out that Kodi with the pimped out Lincoln. You KNOW he's gettin' some action tonite!
by 2high2work February 3, 2015
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