An event fated to happen on the date January 13th, yet the year of it is unknown. It is prophesied that Niamh Walking warty will arise from her torment and unleash her pain and suffering onto the world.

It is unknown that this event will lead to the apocalypse, but it is known that it is a crack of doom - a catastrophic mass bungalow fart


CHARLIE: my pants are brown

Archie: you da G
by THE AMERICAN GEEZA November 23, 2022
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When one passes up a perfect opportunity to bang a hot chick but for no good reason doesn't. He is either oblivious to when she flirts with him or he is a pussy bitch.
Meg was totally sexting Dan but he had himself a Carlson incident.
by Gator Dick December 7, 2012
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A video of TikTok Denver celebrity, Daniel Larson, made for his celebrity crush, Grace Vanderwaal. The video involves a naked Daniel sticking a toothbrush into his rectum, taking it out, and then brushing his teeth with said toothbrush.
“Hey have you heard of The Toothbrush Incident yet?”

“What’s that?”
I don’t want to say, just read the Urban Dictionary entry.”
by literally done September 30, 2022
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An disaster of unprecedented scale releasing deadly liquids and gases over a large radius, usually following a night of particularly spicy Indian food.
OMFG, I should never had that third tandoori, the next morning I suffered a total Bhopal Incident.....
by mcsony July 16, 2010
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when a bar will not allow you entry as you are wearing shorts, and your girl mate takes off her jeans in a toilet and sends her mate with them for you to change in the street, then come back for the girl to wear your shorts.
and at the end of the nite, u both change again in the middle of a pizza place with full length windows, with the girl shouting "i dont care if im in my knickers, anyone can see, it's only tom lol!"
amy and tom in liverpool during the pants incident lol lol lol
by Paddy101 June 10, 2006
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A past traumatic incident which results in a rule change, such as losing cooking privileges due to a spill, or not allowing livestock indoors after a mess. The name refers to a scenario in which attempting to make pudding result in spilling it all over the floors, walls, and ceiling, and no longer being allowed to stay home alone.
“Well, he’s not allowed to use that bathroom anymore, do you remember what he did to the tub? It was SUCH a pudding incident.”
by Jendingo December 3, 2022
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When you shit so hard you blow out your asshole (O-ring).

Background: The space shuttle Challenger exploded during take off because of one of the O-rings failing.
After drinking all night and eating those nachos I had a Challenger incident this morning on the toilet.
by BillyClubOrgan March 18, 2016
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