An act in which the cock is heated prior to coitus
Mr Speaker I'd like to bring forth the legislation enforcing hot cock vaginal sex among the people of this country
by HCVS123 September 26, 2017
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Having hot monkey sex with a monkey exposed to high amounts of radiation.
Yuto had hot radioactive monkey sex with himself.
by LORD PLOPPINGTON November 18, 2003
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What un-named couples do in Toyota Tacomas at night between 1-3 Emo people. Most ventures include "The Mexican Panda"
We were hangin' in my Tacoma, and had some hot kinky emo sex
by I'm watching you March 21, 2005
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caleb jacoby hot sex anal vore is an action performed alongside caleb jacoby that is sexual in nature. It involves the steamy sexual intercourse between a partner and and unwilling caleb jacoby, where caleb jacoby is vored, specifically anally vored.
"Hey Jay, how was the caleb jacoby hot sex anal vore last night?"
"Oh it was hot. Hes so warm inside me right now. Think I'll anal birth him later UwU".
by Vietnam Jeff November 29, 2021
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A sensual gang bang in high temperatures. The gang that is banging is made up of monkies and ninjas. Mostly the act of hot ninja tantric monkey sex involves a close relationship with a penis and an anus...mostly.
"My boyfriend and i do the nasty approx. 23 times a day. and its more like hot ninja tantric monkey sex."
by Shaniqua Wellsfargo January 17, 2008
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An example of words Indian people who don’t speak good English trying to find porn by adding random tags together
“Oh jagmeet did you see the new sex video today?”
“No bhupinder
“Ok jagmeet, just search something like: India poo hot sex 2017 compilation, and it should come up
by King Louis XIV India October 18, 2019
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