tasteless/weak or badly kept beer or cider
oi barman! the nelson mandella is off again. tastes like gnat's piss. have a word!
by g-reg 11 February 1, 2011
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Some one who unbeknownst to them is hated by all due to their stupidity, constant ability to be conveniently where you are at any given time, overly available, lacking a personality, a douche, a duck, stage 5 clincher, desperation friends even shun this person. They are like an irritating shadow that just never knows when to go the Fuck home, or die off....even when invited blatantly to do so. This person sucks and is the ass of everyone's joke, the third unwanted wheel and destined to masturbate alone to the sci-fi channel with a pint of cherry Garcia ice cream in their parents house until they are over 40 years old. No one cares, notices or cries when this person dies, disappears or moves away....they celebrate, clap, and smile all day long when this happens. People try to set this person on fire or back over them with vehicles. People's moms are the only friend of an ass gnat. I don't know why but moms love that shit.
Caleb is such a fucking ass gnat, I couldn't get rid if him if I tried.
by Ihateyourfacedaily85 January 23, 2015
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DAYYYYYYYYYYYYuuuM that girl was fine, but she had some gnat tats on her!
by attnsacgonflable January 15, 2009
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Someone who has their mouth wide open, staring at nothing. Can also be associated with a dumb look on the face
"Billy, close your mouth your collecting gawk gnats"
by mosnooopy March 10, 2008
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Nut Gnats. Real or imagined itchy insects/bites a man scratches for hours through his crotch clothing most often while relaxing, watching TV or hanging on the couch with his girlfriend.
Girl: "why are you playing with your balls just sitting here watching TV". Guy: "Just scratching my nut gnat bites honey".
by MbyDesign October 3, 2018
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When a guy goes without washing his uncircumsized penis and a white, smelly substance begins to form between the folds of his foreskin.
Cindy's Mother: before engaging in sexual intercourse with a guy who has an uncircumcised penis, make sure he thoroughly washes hisnaughty bits. If he doesn't he'll have an accumulation of gnat bread. This could give you a vaginal infection.

Cindy: thanks mom!

Cindy's Mother: don't forget to use a condom, dear.
by Mickey05 April 18, 2009
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The goo on the end of a dogs penis after he has sex, that gnats swarm around.
That nizzle so gay, he eat gnat butter on crackers!
by Chewbacca0901 August 28, 2006
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