a terrible and or unfunny joke/sarcastic comment or supposedly funny statement
used as a verb or adjective.
people considered gandalf are often rejected from friendship groups etc
person 1: why was the chicken so happy?
person 2: why?
person 1: because everything was eggcelent!
person 2: thats a gandalf (or just plain 'gandalf')

person 1: god that guy is such a gandalf
person 2: ikr
by vrysrslysrs September 24, 2010
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"Did the DJ kick your (fucking) face off?"
"Yes, he was fucking Gandalf!!"
by Sigmund Freud November 3, 2004
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A resident of the FFShrine message board and Rotten Tomatoes. The biggest flaming homosexual on earth, who yet claims to hate anal sex.
by Sarah February 8, 2005
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The sexy old man of LOTR. although hes completely gay, he doesn't go for his co-worker, and also gay elijah wood. (elijah's with sam!!)
Gandalf is the fucking coolest old man ive ever seen.
by duxchic17 May 16, 2004
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Getting a woman on her knees and ejaculating on her chin so it drips and looks like a beard
I took Kayleigh home and gandalfed her.
by stubblehead August 10, 2016
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