A national leader that CONTROLS most major industry(e.g. automakers and related business) and financial firms. Said leader also uses false propaganda and various "crises" to increase his/her power and to render opposition powerless. A fascist dictator will also redistribute wealth to his/her own uses. Usually involves close alliance between government and large businesses and financial firms. Said dictator is most often deposed through violent methods. Any and all opposition is usually removed through the use of lies and carefully planned wording(i.e "rascist,""unpatriotic,") Unfortunately, the United States is getting its first real taste of fascism right now.
Did you watch the CNN clip of the reporter screaming at the guy with the "Obama is a Fascist" sign?

Too bad the reporter doesnt realize that Obama is a real Fascist.

Hitler was not a true Fascist...
by liberty4all1775 April 19, 2009
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A Fascist is someone who thinks that certain acts will make them look cool and sophisticated, they look down upon people they percieve not to be as cool or as sophisticated as they see themselves. They like to drink expensive espresso's in overpriced coffee shops and they also like to eat a lot of sushi, wheather they like it or not, they are sometimes confused with Hipsters, Yuppies and posers but they are more of a mixture of the three.
Look at those Fascists paying $20 for a coffee.
Sorry folks we are out of sashimi because these Fascists ate it all.
by D Madness July 17, 2012
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A very misled, violent and highly organized larper with many supporters. They are inept for the most part and incapable of doing anything of material value. Fascists only know how to carry their ideology forward as brand fetishism.
Hahaha do you see that fascist he be larping again though
by Marxism101 March 6, 2022
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People with a fetish for their own culture or race; essentially post-truth bastards. They don't mind abusing or killing everyone outside their belief system or even fucking other cultures or races. Fascist groups worship demagogues and wealthy men. Individual is asshole, culture and state are gods. They believe that vulnerable sections of society are responsible for everything bad; they always blame the victim and love to spread conspiracy theories. They derive intellectual orgasms by waging wars or talking about enemies, while women praise their actions all the time, to enhance orgasms. Fascists hate critics and intellectuals. They rise when good guys in society and government are declining, and the economy is in trouble. If you disagree with a fascist's political views or criticize his heroes, he gets pissed.
Q: How do you identify a fascist in USA ?
A: He believes Barack Obama is a secret Muslim.
by madscholar March 9, 2018
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Evan Chen correctly defines the term Fascist as his pious and heavy-handed actions reveal to us his true totalitarian intent.
I heard him mutter a racially discriminatory phrase about 'Westerners' in gym class, what a fascist.
by   January 14, 2005
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Someone who has a large forehead and encourages dancing like a nazi. Can be pronounced Face-ist if you feel like a change.
Example 'Look at the size of Richards Face'
'Yes, he is a Fascist '
by Nikki Lewis July 7, 2006
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