To be startled by a fart
John ripped a fart and Nancy jumped. “Oh haha you fartled me!”
by LadySerafina April 23, 2022
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When you've ripped a massive fart that startles someone in your vicinity
Man, I walked into Howie's office and ripped one so loud it fartled him.
by jaseALghul May 18, 2022
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A fart that is loud enough to startle you enough that you wake from sleeping.

Commonly dogs and humans are the perpetrators.
I was sound asleep until I fartled.

Did you just fartle?

The dog has confused himself with that fartle.
by 22:22 May 13, 2021
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verb: To startle someone with a short, loud, ripping fart.
Fuck man, you fartled me and I spilled my beer!
by Kheoleo May 12, 2022
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(noun )A person with a very small uncircumcised penis. Most times covered with a bush (many pubic hairs).

(Adjective) Small penised
That kid Eros is such a Fartle. (noun form)
That Fartle kid has George W. Bush on his cock.
by PAtka dicka February 17, 2017
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Genuine surprise and fear inflicted upon someone by sneaking up and and farting loudly on them.
Dude, you fartled me with that enormous fart while I was sleeping
by Scotteye February 5, 2011
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