the hottest girl possibly ever with a great personality and a amazing body other girls just cant compare an she is usually form a rich family but dose not try to flaunt her money even thought she could if she wanted to she likes a good party though and is pretty crazy but, even crazier friends that would tear apart anyone apart for her.
dan: holey crap "erika" is so pretty i want to date her!:)
michel: good luck dude shes way too hot
dan: no i think "erika" would like me though
michel: alright "erika is really nice so maby

dan: got to go thats "erika"
by mehhbitchishere February 7, 2011
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She has the ability to make you dream vividly of her every night, but sadly when you find yourself with eyes open and reach for the other side of the bed there is an emptiness and yearn for her sacred presence at your side. She is nothing short of the most incredible person you will ever meet, will make you wonder how many years did I have to wait to meet you. Love her, love her, love her, because you don't want to lose her, it doesn't matter what stage of your life you are in. Do not lose her, imagine all the countless paths your life could have gone to, she came to be the woman of your life. Dedicate yourself to her, because she came to make a life with you.

PS: Make her feel so loved, she has the right to be given the uttermost affection always. Once you love her and commit just remember time, space, distance, even death could never break such divine bonds of eternal love.
Erika is magical, just imagine waking up to her everyday. Slowly caressing her until she says why don't you kiss me too?
by HiramDragon October 23, 2020
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The most amazing and wonderful girl ever. She's always there for those she cares about. She's lovely and sweet. She can be mean sometimes, but she knows when to. She's also hot. Damn hot. Erika is the most amazing person ever.
Did you see that hot girl over there? That's Erika.
by alinabueno November 3, 2011
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Sexy ass bitch 😍😍😍
Oh is that Erika ? She’s sexy
by Kookie12 December 29, 2018
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A funny pretty girl who loves bunnies and animals. Dreams of the sea, and loves her family with her dads smile.She is a good swimmer and softball player. She is short though but that doesn't stop her
Have you seen Erika she will treachvyou how to play softball.
by Name changer March 14, 2017
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Someone who has horrible taste in men, but tends to go for the genuine nice guy. She is inteligent but likes not to show it. She brightens up a room with her laugh and is passionate about her opinions. She is beautiful but modest, outgoing yet in her own little world, and most of all a good friend. She also an ass kicking friend who will defend her like a pack of hungry hybird Pirahna Wolves, Yes her one friend will become a lone pack of Pirahna Wolves.
Erika is a dumbass, yet i want to fuck her so bad it hurts!
by Vetter Willow BAMF July 8, 2011
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Erika is a beautiful, outgoing, selfless, smart ass, thick, she is the baddest bitch you will ever meet. She loves to play volleyball, and play the violin. Erika gets all the guys and or girls, except for the guy that she wants. She is very creative and strong. She is never shy, and will fight you if she feels like it. She would most likely beat your ass if she wanted to. She is a very loyal, honest friend or best friend. She is a keeper in friend ship and in a relegation ship. She is one of a kind.
Erika: Lets fight i’m bored.
Random Person: no thanks
Erika: *Gets mad* *Necks you so hard you faint*
by ErikasBestie November 11, 2019
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