A girl emo , she usually a nigra too and fat
by Sport ass October 19, 2016
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A Karen who has transcended all stereotypes and has became something much worse. Someone so entitled she thinks the world needs to bend to her every whim. A Karen becomes an Ema after multiple "karen" outrages and can no longer be just a karen. She is now an Ema.
Worker 1: You will not believe the karen I just had today!(input karen story here) I wanted to tell her to eat my ass and leave.
Worker 2: Wow! Sounds like you had a real Ema on your hands. I thought those were only real in stories.
by longhairidc October 21, 2020
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Pat: I can't believe you're not coming to the strip club with us tonight...
Brad: I can't, I have a huge cardio exam I have to study for.
Pat: EMA! That excuse is not good enough.
by LPdoc January 30, 2011
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e- eat

m- my

a- ass
Your should ema ;)
by yongdaggadick July 18, 2017
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a gorgeous, nice girl who is freaking irresistible for guys.
OMG! She's so ema.
by doodlished November 18, 2010
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The Ema is the most wonderful thing in the world and the ideal image of a woman, everyone would like to be like her
"Hey whos ur crush" - asked Lennox
"The Ema" - Ben

"I wish I was like The Ema" - Lia
by dabxn January 18, 2022
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Education Maintenance Allowance

A weekly payment given to some college students in the UK for having 100% attendance. Eligible students will receive £10, £20 or £30 depending on their household income. A total of £500 in bonuses can be received if the student returns to college each turn. The purpose of ema is to help students who may struggle financially, but really it's just a way of bribing students to come to college.
I hate my next lesson but if I don't go I won't get my ema this week.
by Calvinh April 29, 2007
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